FAQs for schools


What is a Rewrite?

Rewrite is a self-guided online programme that explains why climate change is happening, and explains the solutions and innovations we have to change the world. We believe that if we can change how people feel about the issue of climate change, we can change the way they respond to it. Watch this one minute video to learn more. Upon completion, your students will feel inspired, hopeful and positive about their future. We need every type of learner primed to respond to climate change. There is a world of possibility. There is a lot to be excited about!

What does the programme consist of?

This video takes you on a whistle stop tour of the programme.

Each lesson is broken down into sections and contains video, infographics, short quizzes and clear, relatable explanations. Some of the content is marked as optional. Students are free to explore this if they are interested but they don’t have to. Each lesson is specifically designed with teenagers in mind - it is fun, interactive, highly engaging and optimistic.

Can I use any device?

Yes – the programme will work on a smartphone, tablet, computer or laptop. Make sure your browser is up to date, for example we recommend using Chrome on a computer, Safari on a Mac or Samsung on a mobile phone. 

How long does it take?

Each individual goes at their own pace. It takes takes between 45mins - an hour to complete each lesson. A teacher may choose to run it over several weeks or longer.

Do learners receive certification?

Yes – to receive the Rewrite certificate individuals must complete all sections and complete a short summary quiz with multiple choice and true or false type questions.  The pass rate is 80%, there is no time limit and you can retake the test as many times as you like.

How do I sign back in?

To jump back in and start learning again go to the main navigation on any page to sign back in. You arrive on your own individual profile page, your courses will appear here, below. 

I forgot my password?

You can reset your password at anytime at the sign in popup. But if you have problems can also email support@rewrite.ie and we will get you up and running quickly.

Can I turn on video subtitles?

Yes, you can turn on subtitles by toggling it on and off using the CC button in the play bar for each video.

An Gaisce - The presidents award?

Rewrite and Gaisce are in partnership. Students can complete the full programme under the key challenge areas of personal skills or community involvement. Under these two challenge areas, all 11 lessons from the full programme plus at least one offline assignment equate to 13 hours on the awards programme.

Class or group assignments?

We have a range of interesting and fun assignments that complement the online programme. Depending on the assignment and your needs, your students can do them in the classroom, as homework, in groups or individually.

I am a Teacher, how do I get my class up and running?

It’s quick and easy. Please follow the instructions on this web page.

I am an individual student, can I do the programme?

Absolutely! Check out our pricing here

I am an individual student, how do I get started?

Check out this short guide.

Rewrite Education Limited is supported by?

  • The Department of Education

  • EPA Environmental Protection Agency

  • Rethink Ireland The Social Innovation Fund

  • Calor