Rewrite is brought to you by CoolPlanet

Rewrite creates inspiring training programmes to help every employee understand the principles of environmental sustainability, and why reaching net zero is so important.

Rewrite is brought to you by CoolPlanet, a family of revolutionary companies working with global industry to cool the planet as fast as possible.

The journey to net zero is a daunting task. But, it is possible. We are on the cusp of the deepest, fastest transformation in human history. To get there everyone needs to work together, government, civil society and businesses especially, all need to act swiftly.

For businesses, there is no clear one-size-fits-all path. But the very first step is to align everyone in your company, so they can step up to the task at hand. This is not just a problem for your sustainability team.

Our Team

  • Norman Crowley

    Group CEO, CoolPlanet

    Norman is a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist. He founded Trinity Commerce at 26, one of the first e-commerce services companies in the world. Norman has had three successful businesses since then, and founded Cool Planet in 2010. Norman’s passion for tackling climate change has led him to point all his business and personal efforts towards this monumental goal.

  • Vicky Brown

    Founder and CEO of Rewrite

    Vicky has spent 20+ years in professional roles in advertising, fundraising and strategic philanthropy and led the development of the first visitor centre on climate change, The Cool Planet Experience. Vicky believes that she is lucky to have the opportunity to work with businesses that are passionate about tackling climate change and creating a better planet for the next generation.

  • Colm Roche

    Founder Rewrite

    Colm has run multi-award winning businesses in the creative industry for the last 20 years. He has worked with clients such as Nike, Greenpeace, Unilever, Penguin and Clinique. 10 years ago, he shifted his focus to creative work that was driving the conversation around climate change. He believes that hope, not fear, will inspire the solutions we need to solve the crisis.

  • Fiona Sexton

    Head of Content and Customer Success

    Fiona is a digital content and communications specialist with 20+ years experience. Fiona has worked for global tech companies specialising in digital, web, social and content marketing. Fiona is a Al Gore Climate Reality Leader and she finds sheer joy in the simple pleasure of a clean beach and water to swim in whatever the temperature.

  • Niall Magee

    Operations Performance Manager, CoolPlanet

    Niall is one of our Content Advisors and has extensive experience in developing and running application support elements of a business in both hardware and software, as well as new product development, marketing, sales and training. Niall has a dual masters in Sustainability, Technology and Innovation from DIT Ireland, UPC Spain and Purdue University in America.

  • Hugh Weldon

    UN Environment ambassador and co-founder of Evocco

    Hugh is one of our content advisors and co-founded Evocco, a tech start-up that tracks and measures the climate impact of food purchases. In 2018 Hugh was named UN Environment Young Champion of the Earth for Europe and is a regular speaker about food and sustainability across the world including UNGA and UNEA4.

  • John Sweeney

    John Sweeney

    Emeritus Professor NUI Maynooth University

    John is one of our content advisors and has been a member of the Geography Department at Maynooth since 1978, teaching courses on climatology, biogeography, geomorphology and environmental resource management. John has contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, specifically the 2007 report that won a Nobel Peace Prize. John is a regular contributor to the media on climate change science and policy.

  • Sonya Murray

    Sales Development Representative

    Sonya has almost 20 years experience in customer success, and sales and marketing having worked in the finance, property and education sectors. Having taken some time out to be with her three children, Sonya is thoroughly enjoying being back in the workplace, working for CoolPlanet. Conversations and great food, walks by the sea and family holiday adventures is what it’s all about!