FAQs for companies


What does the training consist of?

Rewrite Sustainability 101 and Sustainability Plus are an on-demand, self-guided training for all levels (seniors, mid-level managers, juniors and suppliers). The programmes distil lots of information into, easy to understand, condensed, bite-sized learning. They combine video, interactive diagrams, short quizzes and concise explanations plus lots of company spotlights of how businesses are reducing emissions.

These programmes will help you define your path to net zero, up skill your workforce so they feel empowered and knowledgeable and ready to contribute to your environmental sustainability strategy.

Where does the data come from?

Rewrite education programmes distil large quantities of content into highly condensed, easy to digest narratives. John Sweeney, Emeritus Professor, NUI Maynooth University, is our main content advisor. He has been a member of the Geography Department at Maynooth since 1978, teaching courses on climatology, biogeography, geomorphology and environmental resource management. John has contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, specifically the 2007 report that won a Nobel Peace Prize.

With regard to all data and statistics - Rewrite Education only source our data from key research organisations and bodies. Here are our data sources:

Our World in Data - https://ourworldindata.org/

United Nations  - https://www.un.org/en/

Project Drawdown - https://drawdown.org/

Exponential Roadmap Initiative - https://exponentialroadmap.org/

Environmental Protection Agency - https://www.epa.ie/

NASA Government Agency - https://www.nasa.gov/

National Geographic - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/

Carbon Trust https://www.carbontrust.com/

Can I use any device?

Yes – the programmes will work on a smartphone, tablet, computer or laptop. Make sure your browser is up to date, for example we recommend using Chrome on a computer, Safari on a Mac or Samsung on a mobile phone. 

Do learners receive certification?

Yes – to receive the Rewrite certificate individuals must complete all sections and complete a short summary quiz with multiple choice and true or false type questions.  The pass rate is 80%, there is no time limit and you can retake the test as many times as you like.

I cannot get my certificate?

Sometimes, if a learner clicks ‘next lesson’ too quickly after completing a quiz, the system does not have enough time to register the score. Therefore a learner cannot get their certificate at the end. If this is the case - go back through each quiz and wait til the score has properly registered before clicking ‘next lesson’. It shouldn’t take you long at all! In the Sustainability 101 course there are 2 short quizzes after Lessons 2 and 4 and then a final quiz after Lesson 6.

I forgot my password?

You can reset your password at anytime at the sign in popup. But if you have problems can also email support@rewrite.ie and we will get you up and running quickly.

Can I turn on video subtitles?

Yes, you can turn on subtitles by toggling it on and off using the CC button in the play bar for each video.

Questions? Just want to chat about the programme?

Feel free to give us a ring on +353 87 935 7991 (open weekdays 9am-5pm) or you can drop us an email using this form.

If you’d like us to give you a call, leave your phone number and we’ll get back to you. Please let us know in the message box about when is a good time for you!